Doral Jackson
Senior Pastor
With over 25 years of ministry experience, Doral has a father’s heart and loves to encourage others in their life of faith. He is an ordained minister through The Network of Related Pastors and has spoken at the ministries Band of Brothers conference for one of their workshops. In 2013, Doral was asked to deliver the invocation before the Senate session at Michigan’s state capitol by the area’s state senator. Doral is a supporter of pro-life initiatives.
Doral has a heart for missions and has been to the Philippines and Russia. Doral’s greatest desire is to see the Body of Christ become all God intends her to be in this hour by Touching God, Teaching People, and Transforming Community.
Doral is the co-founder and senior pastor of The River. Him and his wife Linda were called to the Watervliet area in 1999 while they were serving in another church in Richland, MI. On Easter of April 2000, their journey began.
Doral has a heart for missions and has been to the Philippines and Russia. Doral’s greatest desire is to see the Body of Christ become all God intends her to be in this hour by Touching God, Teaching People, and Transforming Community.
Doral is the co-founder and senior pastor of The River. Him and his wife Linda were called to the Watervliet area in 1999 while they were serving in another church in Richland, MI. On Easter of April 2000, their journey began.

Linda Jackson
Associate Pastor
Linda has served in ministry for over 38 years and has a bachelors degree in biblical studies. She has worked in various areas of ministry and has been the administrator of three successful church plants. Linda is known for her spirit of excellence in all that she does.
Pastor Linda is a powerful leader who loves to raise up strong believers to fulfill their potential in Christ. She is passionate in challenging the church to walk in the Word of God and compassionate in reaching out to the community with the love of God.
Linda’s life journey from childhood trauma to adult triumph has taught her that God can use her messes for His glory! Her philosophy is that everyone needs to laugh and it is her job to see that that they do! Her joyful spirit and unique laugh are contagious.
Pastor Linda is a powerful leader who loves to raise up strong believers to fulfill their potential in Christ. She is passionate in challenging the church to walk in the Word of God and compassionate in reaching out to the community with the love of God.
Linda’s life journey from childhood trauma to adult triumph has taught her that God can use her messes for His glory! Her philosophy is that everyone needs to laugh and it is her job to see that that they do! Her joyful spirit and unique laugh are contagious.

Mark Kiser
Associate Pastor
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Kristy Kiser
Associate Pastor/Children's Ministry Director
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Nikki Wurn
Nursery Director
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